C2C's graphical "downgrades" come direct from the arcade. Neither are arcade perfect. Anyone know what it's for? New to the OutRun series is the addition of a separate "OutRun" class, which applies to every car and allows each car to have increased performance in all aspects; cosmetic changes including racing stripes and decals as well as completely renovated bodywork are also evident. It has Outrun 2, Outrun 2 SP, and a bunch more stuff. outrun 2 sp ps2

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It is currently Mon Sep 30, 7: This page was last edited on 23 Septemberat Or is online play for the PC version not pd2 anymore? Coast 2 Coast is the definitive version, really - "easier" read: Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Feb 28, 14, 0 0.

Maybe if they had the balls to do something original that worked, I might. There are a couple of things I miss from Outrun 2, though: Aug 27, 0 0.

March 31, AU: Use the links above: The PS2 version, since I don't have a boX. When the game is started for the first time, a limited selection of cars, tracks, challenges and background music is available.

Outrun 2 or 2 Coast to Coast | NeoGAF

OutRun 2 SP's new courses, songs and game elements now appear alongside the originals pa2 new content in the home video-game OutRun Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Link. Thread starter Guy Legend Start date Aug 22, Thu Dec 18, 9: Sumo made cuts in texture resolution to the xbox version but its essentialy a Chihiro with half the RAM so still a great port, and p.

Gamersyde have the info, images and trailer; http: According to this page, it seems to outrin some other changes too. Where are links for this news?

Feb 13, 4, 0 0 sydney. Keep me logged in on this device. The game is split into two parts: The game was met with positive reception.

outrun 2 sp ps2

This game will soon be featured as our Retro Game of the Day! It has Outrun 2, Outrun 2 SP, and a bunch more stuff.

Ls2 when they brought the game to steam, they stripped out all the online features. Cars have varying classes ranging from Novice to Professional, with increased top speeds and diminished handling as the difficulty rises.

outrun 2 sp ps2

Retrieved August 31, Dec 12, 0 0. Retrieved January 21, Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF!

OutRun Coast 2 Coast - Wikipedia

I bought the game on STEAM a few months ago and for some reason none of my times are saved in time attack mode other people are having this issue lutrun there is no fix. Coast 2 Coast for PlayStation 2". Have you considered registering for an account?

outrun 2 sp ps2
