Added support for Sitefinity 7. This feature works on VS VS does not support it yet. Code Sync and Deploy introduces a layer of collaboration within a remote environment. Dynamic Items Field Control Selectors do not work in multilingual environment. Custom module item template improvements. telerik sitefinity sdk

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Thunder Operations window which shows the last operations made by Sitefinity Thunder. Thunder package extension size is now 6 sdi smaller. Fixed UI teoerik with the media selectors inside widget designers in Sitefinity 6. Fixed validation problems with Browse and Edit logout button Jobs Module: Fixed issues with the slider widget on the home page Corporate Starter Kit: Progress Sitefinity Thunder Telerik.

Azure Database Deployment improvements - for more robust user experience a lot of steps are removed and simplified.

The Telerik Sitefinity team is excited to announce the release of the Sitefinity 4. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Get articles in your inbox!

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First look at Sitefinity CMS 4. Dynamic item field control selector now has a unique kendo UI template id. Sitefinity Thunder Sitefinity Thunder makes it easy for developers to extend and customize Sitefinity websites quicker through the familiar Visual Studio environment.

Sitefinity 4.0 Beta SDK released

Some performance improvements and optimizations. Added Intellisense for virtual paths and root relative paths.

With Sitefinity Thunder developers can create and maintain themes and widgets through the familiar Visual Studio environment. Disallowing comments for product items was fixed Products Module: Added validation to the connection settings and the widget registration wizard. Fixed an issue with the Azure deployment names that sitefinit causing the deployment to fail.

Sitefinity CMS SDK - Sitefinity CMS Reference

Save Your Favorite Articles! Actually you can develop for Sitefinity with technologies you already know. Fixed issues with localization and deleting content items Other minor fixes in all samples. Fixed authentication problems when running samples one after another Products Module: The guides provide helpful tips for developers, designers and content authors who work with Sitefinity on a daily basis.

Fixed duplicate widgets in the toolbox All samples: Added ability to choose whether you want to register or not a widget with designer, layout or form widget. Thunder deployment to Windows Azure is currently supported for Sitefinity 5. Creating website templates in Sitefinity web projects, Creating themes under website templates in web projects, Uploading themes that are inside a website template in Sitefinity Website Template projects, Editing master pages on the server from Visual Studio 1.

Thunder's Intellisense features now support filtering while sitecinity.

Sitefinity SDK - Sitefinity CMS Reference

Added Thunder Start Page which contains documentation and videos about Sitefinity Thunder's features. Fixed validation problems with phone number fields Book Sample: Siyefinity issue with changing widget size News Rotator: To learn more about the Sitefinity 4. Bugs with dynamic items field control selector are fixed.

Fixed issues with advanced view not being displayed in the designer Education Starter Kit: You will be able to add new entities to your data model while developing with Thunder using our Sitefinity Custom Content Type Item Template.

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Then on the left locate "Telerik Sitefinity Thunder" extension and click on the update button. Fixed revision history for pages in the starter kit Real Estate Starter Kit:
